Saturday, April 23, 2011

If I were a Muslim...

I would have to believe that God decided to wait tens of thousands of years after he had created man before deciding that it was time to make his laws known. That God chose specific time periods where man's ability to pass information was still in its infantile stages.

I would have to believe that although there were hundreds if not thousands of different languages and dialects, God felt the best way to get his message across would be with a single book, in a single nondescript region of the world, in a single language which was not, and still isn't understood by most. In a language that cannot be accurately translated into other languages, a dialect that would become less understood over time. In words so ambiguous, any number of interpretations could be possible.

I would have to believe that the almighty creator of the universe would not make the book himself, and instead decided that just a single one of his flawed creations should be given all the information. And instead of passing this information to his creation himself, he sent an angel down to earth to do it for him.

I would have to believe that instead of telling large groups of people, God intentionally instructed the angel to tell only one man. And out of all the men to be chosen from, God picked an illiterate man so that the man would not be able to write the information down for others to see.

I would have to believe that it is just pure coincidence that most of the information God wants the angel to tell the man is information that has already been widely available for hundreds of years.

I would have to believe that God did not want his laws to be all known at once and that he wanted some laws to only be known years and years later.

I would have to believe that it is more coincidence that God's messiah spent much of his time as a merchant on trade routes in the middle east where Greek knowledge was widely available. And that close followers of God's messiah were well versed with the same Greek knowledge that is included in the messiah's revelations.

I would have to believe that God had no qualms about letting his messiah live a lifestyle that would later become a main reason for many rejecting the faith.

I would have to believe that God had no objections to the revelations being in such vague nature that it would later be subject to many different interpretations which would cause separation, distrust, hatred and even violence among different sects of Muslims.

I would have to believe that God's earlier chosen messiah's failed at their tasks to spread the true message of God, and therefore God failed in his quest to spread his word.

I would have to believe that the preachings of the messiah are the truth. I would have to believe that semen originates from between my backbones and my ribs, that mountains stabilize the earth, that seawater and freshwater never mix, that the moon was once split in half, that the universe and earth were created at the same time.

I would have to believe that God's final messiah, who acted out the symptoms of schizophrenic paranoia, who used his position to commit polygamy, talked to an angel.