Saturday, October 30, 2010

And the winner is....


The omnipotent, omniscient, perfect God.

For centuries religion has been evolving. Priests and Imams I suppose are more similar to public relation lobbyist. Religion has always been evolved, always adapting to suit the needs of the public they continue to preach to. The needs of humans has always been evolving, and this is why religion evolves as well. Simple instructions used to suffice. But as human beings developed a greater understanding of things, religion needed to change. New stories needed to be created in order for religious leaders to keep their power hold over the average joe.

It has evolved. From a power hungry tribal leader claiming to be in touch with the divine spirits, to Egyptian Pharaohs claiming that the Ra the sun god was threatening to stop providing light, to greek leaders inciting fear by announcing that lack of worship would cause Poseidon to sink their ships during voyage, to a lone man who might have eaten shrooms and saw a burning bush and proclaiming to be a prophet of God.

We know wolves and owls aren't divine beings. We now know that the sun is a collection of gases and heavier elements and not a being. We now know weather and other factors such as tectonic plate shifts are usually the reason for rough seas.

Why is it that we have yet to discard a man who claimed to see God through a burning bush? Or a man who spent his entire life 'speaking to an angel' in solitary and then reciting verses to his followers?

Christianity and Islam, the two biggest religions. We have come this far, from a vast collection of divine beings, to a single all-powerful all-loving God. Notice how it has changed? Understanding of the world has caused humans to discard all other mythical gods. Religion needed something new. And these religions too have evolved. Each in its attempt to outdo the other, God has evolved into an array of moral contradictions, seemingly perfect, all-loving and flawless but vengeful as well.

God is now all-forgiving, all-loving, all-seeing, all-powerful, all-knowing.

Thats what we have now. The perfect divine being.

At least, by religious standards

If we look at history, through the perspective of religion, what we get is this

- God created the heavens and the earth
- God created angels/jinn and humans
- angel/jinn rebelled
- humans sinned and were sent down to earth
- humans continued to sin and God sent down the great flood
- (christianity only) Jesus died for our sins

If God is omniscient (all-knowing), he would have foreseen the coming of satan. This means that god intentionally created the angel/jinn with the knowledge that this was going to start a chain of events that included the creation of hell.

Following this context, god created humans, put them on earth already knowing that they were going to sin and that he was going to wipe them all out. According to scripture, Noah was spared because god saw good in him. Its interesting to see that God chose to go through with apocalypse: the epic flood, instead of just creating Noah in the first place. Its also amazing how easily wiping out humankind comes to god because of the devil's influence on the population, but god refuses to do anything about satan's existence.

God truly is a work of art. But thats all he is.

an imaginative masterpiece.


    What if this is God?
    Would that not explain a lot?
    Take the bible out of the equation for that one.
    I do not agree with religion, but the chance that a God exists is something else.

  2. I totally agree, the question of a divine being is very different to whether religion is right or wrong. I don't have a problem with spiritual people, but I have a major problem with the 'God' that is projected by religion.
