Friday, October 15, 2010

mind games with the bible

mind boggling

oh yeah.

lets see now. the holy bible. two testaments of extreme moral contradictions.

The trinity - so God, Jesus and the holy spirit are one (but exist as 3 beings). 1 in 3, 3 in 1.. whichever (woah.. three muskateers deja vu). Makes you wonder doesn't it. God is supposed to be all powerful, omniscient, omnipotent so on so on. now, if they are one, why would God send himself down to die for humankind. God supposedly has a 'divine plan', at least thats what christianity teaches. so are we to assume God's divine plan involved him wiping out human civilization at least once with a massive flood, and then sending himself down to earth as his own son (wtf?) to die for human's sins.

Genius divine plan indeed. I wonder if Mr. Omniscient saw that coming.

Good timing though. I mean think about it, if Jesus died for us today christians would be wearing electric chairs or syringes around their necks.

1st commandment - thou shalt worship no other god but me

Clearly not worshiping God or worshiping the wrong God gets you a one way ticket to hell. God does seem like a narcissistic little bugger now doesnt he. heh. Every time I ask the question "why doesn't God prove he exists?" the answer is always "because he wants to give you freedom, to give you choice whether or not to believe in him and because faith is important". Does seem like a major contradiction. So God loves us all but refuses to prove he exists to give us freedom of choice, but if we don't believe in him, he makes sure we're punished for all eternity.

oh yeah, I can feel the love.

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